So class has now been in session for a few weeks and its not as awkard as I originally thought. Maybe my baby face helps me blend in? Turns out theres plenty of people around my age going to school a few years late. However the extra years that I have been on this earth are starting to be more prevelent. Whether it's silly questions being asked or younger ones just not even caring what the requirements of an assignment are. I figured when told not to use a light colored font then you shouldnt, but it turns out I must have missed the meaning of don't. I guess it could have changed the years I have been away from school, probably not though. As well as when the teacher is running 10 seconds late. Like race cars at a green flag they are ready to roll out of there, though my more "mature" mind reminds me that this is costing me money so maybe I should hang back a while. This class was the one I was also most worried about, since in my mind English has always been my weakside. Or atleast I have always choosen it to be. Luckily the instructor is only about a year older than me, which makes things easier to relate to when he says them. Even though he still loses me at times. All in all it seems like the journey will be interesting but challenging.